Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Micro Cards Old and New

This was a neat one I did a few years ago. Notice the glow thingie... ;)

And then we have the newer version, The WildCard, with the last pic showing the difference in size between the two. These are coming this fall at some point. That reminds me, I need to get grinding!


Unknown said...


-Francesco, ITALY

Anonymous said...

love the new one. The WildCard is a great name for it.
Does that lone hex hole happen to be 1/4 inch? and if so, are a couple o-ring indents going to be added for bit retention? (obviously the bits themselves would need to reside elsewhere, but this would be a great way to drive them.) just curious.

This definitely has it over the old version in every way but one. Where's the slot for adding our own glowie thingie? ;)

Anonymous said...

The wildcard looks fantastic. I can't wait. I am not even a card knife kind of guy but that is way cool.

Peter Atwood said...

Thanks folks! :) I like it too...

Will have these probably in late October and I'm going to make a lot of them. Stay tuned!

Heath said...

I believe your new WildCard is one of my all-time favorite designs of yours to date. I can't wait for this release.

Anonymous said...

definitely need a WildCard!

Anonymous said...

I love those traditional wildcards. Are any of those in the works?


Anonymous said...

ooops...I meant 'microcards'.

Peter Atwood said...

No more regular old skool Micro Card knives will be made. No more of the big ones with the five holes either or the claw card version. This middle size is much much better ergonomically and it allows for additional tool functions because there is more space.